Ten weeks ago, we asked you to send us photos of the most unusual place you’d ever charged a plug-in electric car.
And, wow, were there some unusual photos indeed among the several dozen entries submitted to our photo contest by readers from around the world.
Now, we’ve finally chosen a winner–and two runners-up.
Photo contest runner-up: Tesla Roadster inside Swiss Alps hydroelectric station [Walter Gugelmann]
A prize, even!
And, to our surprise, we even have an actual prize for the winner: a brand-new $649 AeroVironment TurboCord combined 120-Volt/240-Volt portable charging cord.
MORE: New TurboCord Electric-Car Charging Cord Can Use 120 Or 240 Volts
It’s the first UL-approved portable dual-voltage charging cord offered for sale, weighing less than 5 pounds with a 20-foot cord, and it charges at up to 16 Amps.
We didn’t ask for it; AeroVironment saw our contest and liked the idea enough to contact us and offer it to the winner, if that person happened to be in the U.S. or Canada.
(In return, AeroVironment has asked that the winner send them a photo of the TurboCord in use.)
Swiss Alps, Atlanta kitchen
The runners-up? Unfortunately, all we can offer them is the theoretical glory of seeing their photos of the site.
So here we go.
The first runner-up is Alfred Gugelmann of Switzerland. He sent a photo (above) of his Tesla Roadster recharging in an access tunnel to an underground hydroelectric power station buried deep inside the Grimsel Pass in the Swiss Alps.
Photo contest runner-up: Zero S electric motorcycle charging in restaurant kitchen [Ben Rich]
The second runner-up is our own correspondent Ben Rich, who sent a photo of his Zero S electric motorcycle charging in a restaurant kitchen in Atlanta, during the “Ride the Future” electric-vehicle caravan across the country last summer.
That trip, by the way, is now the subject of a new documentary–called Kick Gas–that was released just last week, on Earth Day 2014.
MORE: ‘Kick Gas’ Movie: Driving Across U.S. In Electric Car & Motorcycles
And our winner? That would be Mike Kamm, of Albany, New York, who drives a leased 2013 Honda Fit EV–pretty much all over the Northeast.
Ice-racing on frozen lake
He submitted a February 2014 photo of his electric Fit recharging from a 5500-Watt Generac generator on the frozen surface of Algonquin Lake in Wells, New York, deep in the state’s Adirondack Mountains.
It’s far from the most energy-efficient (or carbon-friendly) way to recharge an electric car, but it can be done–and it allowed him to take his car to an ice-racing event held by the Adirondack Motor Enthusiast Club on the man-made lake.
Mike gets the TurboCord (although he notes he has already had his Honda 120-Volt portable charging cord upgraded to 240 Volts by an aftermarket firm).
Send us more!
Beyond these three, we may well post a few of the best photos in another gallery later on, so if you have any new images from the two months since mid-February, send them our way!
As before, you can e-mail one to three photos in JPG format to this address: john (at) highgearmedia (dot) com.
Please, PLEASE: Use the subject line “Charging Photo” so we know what it’s about. And be sure to include details like the location, date, and how you happened to be there–along with your own name and city.
Our deepest thanks to everyone who submitted photos, our congratulations to the winners, and our thanks to AeroVironment for their unexpected donation of the first prize.
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View original article at : “https://www.greencarreports.com//news/1091798_photo-contest-most-unusual-place-to-charge-an-electric-car-winner”
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