Fisker Karma owners are probably feeling a little abandoned right now.
As investors pick over the company like vultures around a corpse in the desert, many owners might be wondering just how they’ll get their expensive, luxury plug-in sedan serviced.
That’s where a company called Hybrid Support Solutions comes in, with a $4,000 per year support package. Well, possibly.
Hybrid Support Solutions, or HSS, contacted Fisker owners recently to offer support for their Karmas in absence of factory support–technical assistance, vehicle improvements, parts sourcing, that sort of thing.
The email from HSS said that the team was made up of the original support and technical service team from Fisker–and that “We have put many long hours and effort supporting this exceptional vehicle, and we endeavour to continue with this piece of automotive and design history.”
For $3,995 per year, HSS will cover labor costs, advice, recommendations and access to the company’s knowledge library. Technicians will work on Karma vehicles at a Fisker dealer, or if you live a distance away from the nearest dealer, they’ll come out to work on your car. What the cost doesn’t seem to include is parts and “special operations”–with the vehicles out of warranty, $4K can only get you so far.
The only trouble is, nobody quite knows who they actually are.
Discussions on the Fisker Buzz forum suggests the company isn’t forthcoming about its origins, and naturally a few owners are a little skeptical. Others are maintaining a cautious optimism, but between one emotion and the other there’s not a lot Karma owners can do until they receive more information.
Ominously, HSS’s website no longer appears to be working, at time of writing–and its Facebook page hasn’t been updated since May 8.
All of which leaves us wondering–just who is offering to provide support for Karma owners?
And would you pay $4K for a service with no clear goals?
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View original article at : “https://www.greencarreports.com//news/1084484_orphaned-fisker-owners-offered-4k-year-service-contract-by-whom”
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