If you recall a story we printed here back in March highlighting one of the numerous Memorandums of Understanding that Mitsubishi had signed in connection with the i-MiEV with several countries, then you may recall that the Principality of Monaco was on that list. Read the previous story here.
Monaco entered in the MOU with Mitsubishi in hopes of actively seeking a way to combat environmental issues and reduce the countries fuel usage. The goal of the agreement was to put Mitsubishi i-MiEVs on the streets for fleet use and real world testing.
Just days ago, Mitsubishi delivered on their promise by providing 4 i-MiEVs to the Principality of Monaco. The vehicles will see use by the local post office, electric utilities, parking services, and the Prince Albert II Foundation. The vehicles will be evaluated under real world conditions.
Prince Albert II was one of numerous people on hand to commemorate this event. The 4 new i-MiEVs will share the roads with the numerous million dollar super cars and mega yachts that dot the landscape of Monaco, one of the wealthiest areas in the world.
Source: Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation Deliver 4 i-MiEV Electric Vehicles to the Principality of Monaco
November 26th, 2009- Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) and Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) jointly delivered 4 units of the new-generation electric vehicle (EV) i-MiEV to the Principality of Monaco on November 25th.A number of related parties including His Serene Highness Prince Albert II were present at the delivery ceremony held at The Prince’s Palace.
The Principality of Monaco, proactively seeking ways to combat environmental issues and to replace domestic transportation with low-CO2-emitting electric vehicles, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V. *1 and MC Automobile (Europe) N.V. *2 regarding fleet testing of the EVs on March 26, 2009 in Monaco. According to the terms of the MoU, the i-MiEVs, which delivery mainly to corporate customers in Japan began in July, were delivered to the Principality of Monaco.
The i-MiEVs are being leased via MCE Bank GmbH, a subsidiary of MC. According to the terms of the MoU, the Principality of Monaco plans to promote electric vehicles through the use of the i-MiEVs at its local community service organizations, including the post office, public parking services, the Monegasque electricity company (SMEG) and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
The new-generation EV i-MiEV was launched in Japan in July 2009. Looking to move towards full-fledged global distribution in 2010, MMC is currently involved in global testing and promotional activities in New Zealand, the United States and across Europe.
*1 Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V.: the European division of MMC
*2 MC Automobile Europe: a 100% subsidiary of MC
View original artcle at: “https://www.greencarreports.com//news/1039564_mitsubishi-provides-4-i-mievs-to-monaco-for-fleet-testing”
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